Safety & Health
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Safety and Health Policy

We prioritize the lives and safety of our workers as the highest value. We strive to establish a safety culture by adhering to the 10 essential safety rules.

Commitment to Action

  1. Both labor and management actively participate in complying with safety rules and safety and health activities, striving to create a safety culture.
  2. Preventing serious accidents by prioritizing management efforts to reinforce prevention activities for safety incidents, realizing the utmost value of respecting life.
  3. Proactively identifying and continuously improving harmful and hazardous factors through risk assessments.
  4. Maintaining and communicating a safety cooperation system with stakeholders, including related subcontractors.

Goals and Key Tasks

Safety and Health Management Activities

Establishing a Labor-Management Safety Culture

Labor-Management Safety Resolution

We participate in establishing a safety culture and ensuring safety and health by complying with laws and regulations, based on a cooperative labor-management relationship.

Joint Labor-Management Safety Training Activities

We train safety and health experts and conduct safety training for employees and partners to enhance safety awareness.

10 Essential Safety Rules

Daewonsanup jointly establishes and operates 10 essential safety rules for major risk types to enhance the safety awareness of employees, making it a part of the organizational culture.

5 Compliance Items

5 Compliance Items

5 Prohibited Items

5 Prohibited Items

Safety Management System Level-Up

We are striving to strengthen workplace safety and health by operating a dedicated safety and health organization. The safety and health organization is a specialized entity focused on ensuring fundamental safety in the workplace, establishing a systematic management system, and fostering a safety culture to implement safety management practices.

Strengthening Safety Competencies of Partners

Through technical support for establishing safety and health activity plans, we are working to enhance the safety and health levels of our partners and achieve mutual growth. Additionally, we provide various information and support, including safety management competency evaluation standards, to strengthen the autonomous safety management capabilities of our partners.

Establishing a System for Preventing Serious Accidents

Strengthening Safety Diagnostic and Technical Capabilities

We are striving to introduce a preemptive warning system for preventing serious accidents and developing risk assessment technologies through technical support from specialized institutions.

Safety Education for Construction Personnel

To prevent safety accidents among external personnel, we conduct mandatory safety education for employees and related personnel. If you need more translations or have any other requests, feel free to let me know.