
Daewon Sanup is creating sustainable value through the establishment of an ESG management system.


Development of eco-friendly technologies for the future.

  • Leading the field of seat materials with innovative technologies that do not impact the global environment.
  • We will lead the green economy by establishing a circular resource usage structure from production to disposal of seats.


Corporate culture that contributes to the development of society.

  • Prioritizing human rights for employees and stakeholders.
  • Creating a safe and healthy organizational culture.
  • Engaging in social contribution activities that enhance the value of coexisting with community members.


Transparent and fair management policies.

  • Establishing a transparent governance structure to proactively respond to risks.
  • Complying with ethical and legal management.
  • Protecting shareholder rights by composing a board of directors with responsibility and expertise.

Core Values

Environmental Protection

  • Expanding eco-friendly processes and energy use.
  • Actively practicing responses to global climate change.

Social Contribution

  • Responsibility for developing together with the community.
  • Promoting social activities for the underprivileged.

Technological Innovation

  • Research on eco-friendly new materials and recycled materials.
  • Development of human-friendly wellness products.

Labor Rights and Safety

  • Systematizing human rights declaration and management policies.
  • Creating a safe working environment.

Supply Chain Management

  • Enhancing trust and transaction safety with partners.
  • Operating regular communication and support systems.

Ethical Management

  • Establishing a transparent governance system.
  • Strengthening communication with stakeholders.