Compliance & Ethics
Ethical Management Policy
Based on the ideology of respecting humanity, we will establish a corporate culture that prioritizes fairness and transparency, contributing to the development of society.
Ethics Charter
- In all our business operations, we always perform our duties fairly, transparently, and legally.
- We do not engage in unfair practices using superior authority or dominant position and promote mutual growth through cooperation with partners.
- We establish a corporate culture that prioritizes the safety of employees and customers, contributing to societal development.
Code of Ethics
Recognizing that individual actions should align with the company's reputation, we resist undue instructions or pressures and perform all duties honestly and fairly according to regulations.
Prohibition of Personal Gain
- We do not engage in any activities that might conflict with personal and company interests.
- We do not accept money or gifts in connection with our business relationships.
- We do not accept any entertainment or hospitality from business partners or stakeholders.
Use of Insider Information for Capital Gains
- We do not engage in informal acquisition of stocks or other activities using unpublished information.
- We do not improperly use or disclose important internal information of the company.
Protection of Company Assets and Compliance with Work Regulations
- We use company assets and facilities solely for business purposes.
- All work is performed in compliance with related regulations and procedures, and unauthorized loss, damage, or concealment of documents within the retention period is prohibited.
Prohibition of Unfair Work Orders and Prevention of Sexual Harassment
- We adhere to workplace etiquette and prohibit unfair work orders by using superior positions.
- We prohibit any form of sexual harassment using job or position.
Human Rights Charter
We support international standards and norms for human rights and declare our responsibility for respecting human rights for employees, partners, customers, and stakeholders as follows:
- We respect and support international standards and norms that uphold the values of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
- We do not discriminate against any stakeholder, including employees, based on race, religion, disability, gender, place of birth, or political views.
- We guarantee freedom of association and collective bargaining, and we do not allow any form of forced labor or child labor.
- We comply with all labor principles recommended by the International Labour Organization and ratified by the nation, and we promote industrial safety and health so that stakeholders, including employees, can work safely.
- To ensure responsible supply chain management, we treat partners fairly in all contracts, transactions, and activities, supporting the practice of human rights management.
- We strive to ensure that our business and management activities do not endanger public safety, protect the personal information collected in the course of business, and guarantee customers' right to access information.
- We provide prompt and appropriate remedies for any human rights violations that occur in the course of our business and management activities.
- We comply with domestic and international environmental regulations and strive to protect the environment and prevent disasters.
Daewonsanup is committed to practicing compliance management and realizing ethical values. The reported matters are processed according to the compliance management procedures and registered in the relevant department, and users can receive feedback via email.
* Reported matters are only accessible to the reporter and the relevant personnel, and the company protects the reporter through confidentiality, anonymity, and exemption from liability.
Send an EmailTypes of Reports
- Personal Gain: Bribery, financial transactions, acceptance of hospitality, embezzlement of public funds, theft, use of insider information for personal gain.
- Abuse of Power and Solicitation: Unfair work orders, sexual harassment, human rights violations, workplace harassment and sexual harassment.
- Violations of the Fair Trade Act and infringement of trade secrets.
- Violations of security regulations and suggestions for improving security operations.
Reporting Procedure
The reported content is handled non-publicly by the relevant department, and necessary procedures such as internal inspections are carried out, taking at least 25 to 30 days to respond.
Protection of Whistleblowers
- Confidentiality: We ensure the confidentiality of the reporter's identity and prohibit any actions that disclose or imply the reporter's identity.
- Prohibition of Unfavorable Treatment: No disciplinary actions or any other disadvantages or discrimination will be taken against reporters, witnesses, or informants due to their reporting or testimony.
- Exemption from Liability: If reporting is done voluntarily, disciplinary actions against the reporter may be reduced or exempted regardless of the content or duration of the report.